Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Nutrient Management is measuring the soil nutrient levels of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and pH levels then combining with GPS data to show where the nutrient levels are low.
Then more fertiliser can be used to ensure yield is maximised. Where levels are high, less or no fertiliser can be used. Lime can be applied only where needed. Cost efficiency can be made by reducing the application of fertiliser through identifying the areas that have sufficient levels to justify less or no phosphorus and potassium fertiliser.
Service Details
We offer a complete package including soil sampling, mapping, interpretation, advice and support for 3 to 5 years.
- GPS soil sampling with at least one sample location per hectare
- Additional sample locations to target yield map/soil type variation
- Sixteen sub-samples (cores) collected at each sample location
- Independent analysis for phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and pH levels
- Map production and presentation
- Expert interpretation and recommendations based on the maps
- Fertiliser and lime recommendations for up to 4 seasons
- Creation of application maps for any GPS system
A range of price options is available to suit individual requirements.
Easy to use maps
Nutrient maps show the soil analysis results in an easy to understand format. You can see where you need to apply less or no fertiliser and where you need to apply more fertiliser or lime. Soil type depending, the maps can be used for up to four seasons from the original sampling. This enables sound nutrition decisions to be made.
Variable Rate Application
A number of contractors now have variable rate capability, as do most modern farm spreaders.
- Increased yield
- Fertiliser cost savings
- Improved profitability
- Flexible, to suit any farming system
- Backed by Agronomy Solutions support staff
- Advice is provided independent of supply and inputs
- Full record keeping
- Specialist technical team with twenty years experience in the precision farming industry
- One clear service price for all sampling & mapping

Precision Soil Sampling
GPS sampling identifies areas within fields where nutrient deficiency and/or acidity could be affecting yield. There will also be areas where levels are so high that less or even no fertiliser can be applied. Intense soil sampling is carried out with at least one sample location per hectare (consisting of 16 sub samples). Our sampling approach has been researched and proven by soil scientists. The samples are analysed at an independent laboratory to show levels of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and pH.
Advice, Recommendations & Support
We work with you to create recommendations that suit your needs. We help you plan a precise fertiliser and lime regime for each field, based on the nutrient maps and your fields, soils and crops.
The fertiliser recommendation shows the precise tonnages of fertiliser needed on every part of each paddock. The recommendation can allow for variation in soil type, crop, yield, variety, straw and your target nutrient level. Use of livestock waste, predominantly dairy effluent can be built into our calculations. We can then provide an application map that is compatible with any GPS application system.
The recommendation report can be used as part of a Nutrient Management Plan.